Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Athens VBS 2013

I'm not sure how many people get into set building for VBS, but I guess I do.  This year, our journey was set for Biblical Athens where we would learn about the Apostle Paul's dangerous missionary journey to share the truth found in Christ Jesus.  Coming off my first year working with VBS, I was a little more prepared.  Although, I've learned a lot in the midst of my 2nd year.  I wanted to share with you some of the things we have done to make our VBS experiencially (new word?) enhanced.

First thing the vbs kids do is register and then head down to the fellowship hall for snacks.  This is where the marketplace is found and also where the daily dramas take place shortly before Opening Celebration time.  Then, as a small group (Oikos tribe named after different stops on Paul's journey), one heads up the stairs and is welcomed by a pilot who briefly conveys to the participants that we are going somewhere by airplane.

Then they turn left into the church entryway and walk through part of last years set from Babylon.  The lessons of the day are being posted on the wall to remind them of what they are learning about.

Once they enter the church sanctuary the see this.  The Parthenon, or at least or rendition of it.  Made from 1.5" 4x8' rigid foam insulation, this wonder of the world, or at least our congregation stands 12.5 feet tall.  Behind this building is Paul's tentmaking house where kids experience Paul's Adventures.  We used this set during Sunday morning worship and our portable altar was utilized.

This is a side view of Paul's Tent Making House.

This is a poor picture of 2 out of 5 our our memory makers made from labels and stock wood from a church craftsman.  He made 78 sets!!!

This is our God Sightings Wall that looks a lot like Babylon 2012.  Ha!


 Entrance to the marketplace in fellowship hall.

This is a master list of registrants on a white board that helps us track Oikos tribes (Small Groups)

Saturday, April 12, 2008

The Gate

Not a great picture, but towards the middle you will see a gate that was really fun to make and carve away at. The coolest part is that it is hung on the post with a couple pieces of rubber tie down strapping and some screws. Spring gate and all.

Backyard Fun

The 2006 backyard when we arrived

In the meantime, we grew potatoes and did a few other short-term projects.

Last weekend, we got the itch to do something.
The first paver patio looked awful, so I went at it again. Much better.

Amanda had a lot of the direction behind the fence. We were a few pine poles short, so we had to venture into the woods not too far and find a couple more.

We had this awful red rock everywhere out front that was hard to make disappear. I put the paver patio down without the thought of what to fill the holes with. Then it occurred to me that the red rock would tie in well with the brick house. So, there you have it.

Terrace Park

These are basically two walls I created with the goal of making them tie into the ground and carry a smooth shape into the rest of the yard. The stones are really broken pieces of sidewalk concrete.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Little Bench

This was another product of a fallen red oak. This bench was # 2 with the saw and so I learned a few things about keeping it a little more straight. Still need to attached the pieces somehow.

This is next to our driveway going down to the church. We needed a railing and I kind of wanted more of a entrance to and from being at the office/church. I picked up a lot of the tree trunks in Jan one winter before the snow came and let them dry for a few months. Haven't quite figured out how to finish the poles going down the steps.